Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mark Nation - Orlando Commercial Production

My days working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

We work with a local lawyer, Mark Nation, pretty frequently. He chooses us for his Orlando commercial production needs. He actually gets free commercials through the local networks but he likes to hire us to do additional ones. Maybe it is my amazing teleprompter skills :)

He normally comes to the studio, get's camera ready and does a handful of 10 or 30-second spots. However, one day he calls and asks us to come to his office and do an on-location shoot. SURE! Why not?

We get there and he has surprise guests he wants to use in his commercial production. His dogs!! They were so cute!

Did you see the spot?

I don't have it to show you BUT I do have a “normal” one we shot at his office.

But here is a pic so you believe me.....

Oh how I love Orlando video production :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

BCS Miami Weekend 2013

My days working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

Have you all heard of the BCS National Championship Game? It is a little small football game that is held every year to pick some sort of winner. This year it was between Alabama and Notre Dame? HAHA! For real though, we were able to go to the BCS National Championship Game in Miami this year! Pretty awesome right?

The real reason we were there was to film the Miami Beach Police Department as they used FLIR's SkyWatch Towers to help provide a safe environment during the whole weekend. The non-Orlando Video Production reason we were there? VIP seats to see Pitbull perform, a private Helicopter tour above Miami and ALL ACCESS EVERYWHERE ALL WEEKEND! I love the perks of this job :)

We shot amazing footage of the people behind-the-scenes that keep everyone safe. We also shot amazing footage of the weekend's events. I unfortunately can't share any links of this footage yet. We are going back Memorial Weekend for more! But I thought the photos were too good not to share :)

Orlando production company heads to Miami... and came back safe and sound...right round :)