Thursday, March 21, 2013

WFTV Channel 9 Commercial Production Shoot

My days working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

One of the very first Orlando video production Shoots I went on was for WFTV Severe Weather Center channel 9. They had an exhibit opening at the Orlando Science Center and we were there to capture the excitement. They needed a local video production company to assist them with making teasers and commercials to get the public to come check out the new exhibit.

First off, I've never been to the Science Center. I know I know, lame on my end. It's super cool in there! Totally neat. I got to walk in all VIP style and skip the lines and head to the roped off exhibit. My job rocks! :)

Luckily, I didn't hurt anybody that day. I say that because it was my first time setting up and breaking down rifas , hot-boxes, redheads, C-Stands, tripods, etc.. on location and not just at the studio and there were also millions of little kids running around. I'm a pro now, so don't worry :)

Unfortunately, I can't direct you to our website to view my very first Orlando video production adventure. But... you can always go check out the exhibit and think of me!

Need to produce a commercial? Who you going to call? Us! The best Orlando production company ever! (I'm not biased)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Barcelo Resorts All Inclusive

My days working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

One of Blackburst's niche markets are Webfilms. These help create corporate video presence on the web since we all know the internet is the new medium. Who even watches TV anymore? (Okay, I do but I'm also very not tech-friendly).

We've worked with our client, Barcelo Resorts, since 2010. I got the opportunity to fly to Cancun, Mexico and help with some pick-up shots of the new rooms. So I got to work behind the scenes AND model for two of the resorts. So my Orlando Video Production adventures quickly turned to Mexico Video Production ! Woot woot.

We filmed for 3 days and then had 2 days of fun and relaxation. Did I mention this job had perks?

You can view our Corporate Webfilms for Barcelo on their webpage. Or you can see a quick reel at our webpage:

Unfortunately, I'm not in that. :P

I'll take this view over my Orlando video production adventures anyday.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Gaylord Palms - Corporate Video Production Project

My days at working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

We had a great opportunity to work with the Gaylord Palms Hotel on their new in-house corporate video that would be played throughout their lobby and in all the rooms. This was going to be a big corporate video production and we were tasked with everything, and I mean everything. Plus, I had never been to the resort so I was excited.

We started with casting. We held two separate castings at our studio in Longwood (Central Florida) and ended up booking a total of 15 different actors. Once we had the look then it was on to the feel. We got to play with some toys for this shoot. We rented a huge crane, some lights, lenses and cameras (to supplement our own of course). After pre-production was all done, we had to wait to showtime.

It's amazing to see how many people come together for one project, even just a little old "Orlando Video Production". On the shoot days, we brought in a wardrobe stylist, make-up artist and hair-stylist to make our actors even more beautiful. We had the director, audio guys, crane operators, 2nd camera operators, lighting grips, 2nd ADS, 1st ADS, some more grips, and me (the do whatever is needed when it is needed project coordinator/office manager). The 12-hour shoot days go by surprisingly fast! Even when on two of the days the cast and crew call time was 3 A.M. (yes you read that right!)

We did get hotel rooms for two of the nights so we got to explore the fancy hotel (see, great perk!) The hotel is amazing and if you ever get a chance, even if you are a local Orlandoian, then go and stay there! The Wreckers bar (which, yes, we did shoot the opening) is a great place to watch sports, eat great nachos and/or hang out at the firepit right outside and enjoy a glass of wine. Coincidentally, I did all of the above!

We only put together a “sizzle reel” for our website that you can see here:

If you want to see the entire corporate video production, then go to Gaylord! :)

Orlando video production shoot stills