Monday, March 18, 2013

Barcelo Resorts All Inclusive

My days working for an Orlando production company has its perks. :)

One of Blackburst's niche markets are Webfilms. These help create corporate video presence on the web since we all know the internet is the new medium. Who even watches TV anymore? (Okay, I do but I'm also very not tech-friendly).

We've worked with our client, Barcelo Resorts, since 2010. I got the opportunity to fly to Cancun, Mexico and help with some pick-up shots of the new rooms. So I got to work behind the scenes AND model for two of the resorts. So my Orlando Video Production adventures quickly turned to Mexico Video Production ! Woot woot.

We filmed for 3 days and then had 2 days of fun and relaxation. Did I mention this job had perks?

You can view our Corporate Webfilms for Barcelo on their webpage. Or you can see a quick reel at our webpage:

Unfortunately, I'm not in that. :P

I'll take this view over my Orlando video production adventures anyday.

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